In the upcoming political drama, "The Ides of March," Evan Rachel Wood plays a young intern (and DNC chair's daughter) working on the presidential campaign of Mike Morris. Like any girl with a pulse, she lines up in her sights a hotshot media adviser played by Ryan Gosling, and, with breathtaking forwardness, invites him out on a date.
You can imagine what follows.
The 24-year old actress -- and plot fulcrum of George Clooney's latest, critically acclaimed stab at directing -- speaks about her time on set of the film (and with Gosling's lips) during a wide ranging interview with Marie Claire.
"Yeah, it was awesome. We had fun," she says of her kissing scenes with Gosling. "Ryan's amazing because he has this way about him that's incredibly attractive, not just in a sexy way but he's smart, he's cool, he's talented, he's really creative, and he has this mysterious quality to him that drives people crazy. So yeah, it wasn't a hard day at work."
Especially in this economy.
Speaking in an interview with Flicks and Bits, Wood professed admiration for her character -- and not just for her major score.
"What I loved about her is that she's very honest, in a world where not a lot of people are," she told the website. "She's not, I don't think... she is still out for herself, she still sees something she wants and she's going after it, so I don't think there's a lot of real deep emotion involved with her and Ryan's character in the situation they end up in, they are kind of forced to come together in a way that I don't think either of them ever expected."
One time, she says that she was dancing with Gosling on-set to another one of her crushes: Justin Bieber. She's a fan.
I saw the movie ['Never Say Never'], and that's what did it," she explains to Marie Claire about how her love for the Bieb got started. "I ended up seeing it three times -- in the theaters. One of those times was the director's cut, I'm not even kidding. I got obsessed with the kid. It's going to be weird if I ever meet him. He's brought so much joy to my life."
Hey, perhaps he was the bright detox she needed after her times with the prince of darkness, Marilyn Manson.
For more, click over to Marie Claire.
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